Merber of Audit Committee
Naipoğlu Law Firm Partner
Sinan Naipoglu, graduated from Istanbul University Law Faculty in 1998, completed his master (LL.M.) at University of Westminster-London, Law Faculty on LL.M.-International Commercial Law in 2002. He started his PhD in the same university and he is currently a PhD candidate at Yeditepe University Private Law.
He lectured “Fundamentals of Law” and “Commercial Law” at Istanbul University Faculty of Business Administration between 2002-2014, “Legal English” and “Competition Law” at Yeditepe University Faculty of Law between 2004-2008 and “Advertising Law” at Bahçeşehir University between 2004-2008. He has participated the first program of “Training of Trainers” organized by Corporate Governance Forum of International Finance Institute (IFC) at World Bank in Turkey and become the “Corporate Management Trainer” in Turkey.
Sinan Naipoglu, who has been registered with the Istanbul Bar Association since 2000 and is currently the managing partner at Naipoglu Law Firm. In addition to consultancy and litigation, he has provided management consultancy in a wide field including the restructuring of holdings and has organized competition and data protection compliance programs to several companies.
Sinan Naipoglu, who has been giving lectures on “EU Law”, “Commercial Law” and “Advocacy Law” to intern lawyers at the Istanbul Bar Association Internship Training Center since 2003, he was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors at the 2018 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Istanbul Bar Association, and he still continues his duty.